November 18, 2010

We were provided with a frontal lobe which is 40% of the total brain size. This frontal lobe is the brains Symphony Director. When we use the frontal lobe exactly as it is intended to be used we can put into vision and picture of our new self, or what we are striving for or, you fill in the blanks. When we do this and concentrate fully we begin to see exactly the vision we have. This can be described a being in the Theta state. Many have experienced this when driving in a car or traveling. and all of a sudden we regain consciousness and say to ourselves, “How did we get here?”, “I don’t recall anything between.” What has just happened is that the frontal lobe has been so involved in a creation which we brought forward , that it quieted the rest of the brain and in doing so created the our thought as reality. Now it’s been known for many years now that the brain cannot tell whats real and whats not real. There are many many examples of this. When we take piano players and send 2 into a room and say practice this peice of music. We then measure their brain after the practice and find a growth in the brain network. When we take 2 more piano player in a room and just tell them to imagine playing the piece without practicing on the piano. After a short time we bring them back and measure the brain in the same manner. We find that the exact brain growth is evident. They have been able to visualize the event and created reality.

Now this also is evident when we take people and place a rubber band around the index finger. Then ask them to pull on that rubber band to lift a weight. After a couple of days measure the muscle growth in the finger and arm. Next we take 2 other individuals into the room and describe to them that we want them to think about lifting the weight with their finger. We ask them to think about this for the same amount of time that the others were given. At the end of the time we measure their muscle grown in their arm and find that exactly, I repeat, exactly the same amount of muscle growth is realized in their arm and finger as those who actually lifted the weight.

What happens in the case above is that the brain visualizes in the frontal lobe so precisely that it creates a chemical. This chemical is directly responsible to the activity of the thought. Thus the chemical then creates the same muscle growth as the actual activity.

This is also noted with those who are addicted to “alcohol”, place what ever substance you want into the quotation marks. When that person who is actually craving a drink (substance) comes to the liquor store and is standing in front of the store, their craving is gone. This is due to the fact that they have placed the vision into the frontal lobe of already having the drink and the brain then responds with the elimination of the craving. This happens in every case with out exception.

The truth to the entire matter is this. Do we want to be responsible and actually create our reality each and every day, Do we want to create our day in joy and love. Or do we want to continue on as we have in the past and blamed everyone and everything else for our lack of responsiblity? When we continue to listen to media and those who have bought the ideas that life is unfair and that life is hard and that we deserve to suffer, we then take up their cause and continue to live at a lower paradigm.

Lets become worthy and be spiritual beings having a human experience.



October 20, 2010

If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living.  When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and dont be afraid… and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be. If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else. –Joseph Campbell (1904-1987)



October 3, 2010

I watched a video the other night. It was a coach and he was speaking about change.  He carried on for some time stating that change was hard.  It’s hard? Was my question, every time he made that statement.  Now when I’m working with myself or others, same thing as far as oneness goes, I know that what I think, feel and speak of most,  I create in my life.  So if I should ever state that “change is hard”, what reality do I then create.  That’s right, I’m sure you can see this. Why then are people who work in the helping professions so eager to do that to the people their helping?

Now, I know that for many, and I ask this question at the very beginning of my coaching or presentation seminars, “Do you want to change?” If they don’t or are not committed to change then I ask them to leave and give the chair to someone who is committed to becoming a new ideal self,  the person of their desires.  The decision is theirs and theirs alone. Should you wish to continue then lets get to creating a new life of Joy and peace of mind.

Change is so simple that I find it a pleasure to incorporate it into my life on a daily basis.  I love to look at it as though a, “Wow, what am I going to lean moment.”


September 30, 2010

You might say, “How do I know if I’m in a receiving mode or not?” And we say, you always feel good when you’re in a receiving mode. When someone offers you a compliment, do you receive it, or do you sort of just shrug it off? There’s something about believing that you must justify your existence through your effort or through your perseverance, through your struggle. And many of you just have not practiced the receiving mode.

I often say, when you are given something, a gift, a compliment or recognition, receive it. Take a large breath and while letting out that breath, go to your heart and feel, feel the appreciation and love with which it comes to you.  Allow the silence and recognize the feeling that is inside you.  Then say just one thing “Thank you” and say that from the deepest part of your soul.

I then go into a practice session in group which allows each member to give a compliment and the receiver practices the Receiving and Allowing.  Very often in the beginning, I find that the receiver will;  #1 Break eye contact and look down and to the right. Then #2 will say “oh it’s nothing, or express the idea’s that that they don’t deserve this, or # 3 make an excuse for the situation.  I find that most often receiving and allowing pulls out the lack of self-worth and is demonstrated in so many ways.

Some five years later, after one of the people attending these groups speaks with their friends , I hear them saying; “My friend Ron says to take a breath and recognize the feeling and accept this gift from the appreciation side of your inner self.” She always states this when she presents anything to anyone else and they shrug it off.  She demonstrates this whenever she receives anything and by doing so teaches so many others to move from a lack of self-worth to appreciation for this moment and everything that is brought to us in this moment.

Practice or rehearse this until you become transparent at it and no longer must think about it when you do it. This is when you have moved into the higher level of being and are able to experience the joy which is truly yours.


September 27, 2010

Holding a grudge does no one any good, and rarely achieves the result of hurting or damaging the one you cannot forgive.

The only one who gets hurt or damaged by your holding a grudge is you. Now I know that you already know this. So why hold a grudge?

Many people say, “It is to protect my own dignity. I will not speak to that person unless he or she speaks to me first — and says they are sorry, and asks forgiveness.” Yet is this the way to retain one’s dignity?

Holding of grudges is directly related to causing all sorts of boy dis – eases. Many of them are well know to us as they top the medical news storeys. I don’t know how many times I hear people say “oh…so and so didn’t hold any grudges and they got _________, and died. Now I know we all think that we know what others subconscious is saying to us over and over again. Funny hay, I cannot even identify what my subconscious is saying without much deep search of inner self.

Louise Hay, states this best when she states the “Love of self, brings about unconditional Love of others. This exercise brings about total well being. Now we know, this takes continuous rehearsal of the essence “love of self”. However I look at this as being the fun absolutely the most wondrous part of each and every day.

These facts have been proven over and over again, so many many times.

We live in a new age of consciousness and that is to understand that all our thoughts create feelings. These thoughts and feelings create a chemicals, which are distributed through-out the body. These chemicals are directly related to body dis-ease which becomes evident as illness.


September 7, 2010

No matter what it’s like right now.

Every single relationship you have is a reflection of how you feel inside about you. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings. Every relationship you have and every interaction with every person, is a reflection of your own thoughts and feelings in that very moment.

To transform every single relationship you have in your life:

  1. Fall in love with YOU!
  2. (you must love yourself deeply).
  3. Make lists of hundreds and hundreds of wonderful things about you. Keep adding to it every day.
  4. Know that you are perfect.
    (do not think any negative thoughts about you).
  5. Know that you are worthy and deserving of anything and everything you could possibly want in your life.
  6. Focus on the wonderful things in every person. Look for only those things.
  7. Do not blame or criticize anybody, ever.
  8. Set an intention that you are going to see the best in everything and everyone.
  9. Make your happiness the number one thing in your life.
    (Happiness is an inside job.)
  10. Free yourself of the responsibility of trying to make other people happy
    (respect and love them enough to allow them to take care of their own happiness).
  11. Get your attention off those things in others that don’t make you feel good.
  12. Appreciate and love yourself in every moment you can.
  13. Do not expect others to behave in a way you want, so you will be happy.
  14. Release yourself forevermore and know that you alone control your happiness and it is a choice, no matter what anyone else is doing.
  15. Love and respect yourself completely.
  16. Know that you are PERFECT right now.

Changing Beliefs Which Don’t Serve You

September 2, 2010

Beliefs come from our friends and family our culture and our experience.  Rarely are they chosen.

Choice as humans is very important.  Your internal power with in us comes from choice and it’s what makes us incredible amusing and unique characters.  We do not chose our beliefs. These things that are vibrating in us, that cause us to walk through the world and make judgments about everything around us, we rarely choose. These are such incredible deep things in our body and we’re not making any choice about them. They come from our culture, what’s fat, what’s thin, what’s healthy to eat, what’s not healthy to eat.  Who are good people who are bad people.

Lets look at this. People who litter and see someone throw something out of the window of their car, what do we think, where does your energy go?  “Turkey!”  or How about people who drive Hummers, “Oil companies or people who work for oil companies”, People who wear fur. Even if it’s been in the family for 150 years, Grand father captured and made the coat for Grandma. You don’t know how much love and energy went into that coat just for Grandma. You don’t know what it means to that person wearing the coat, People who eat meat, people who don’t eat meat. There’s 100’s and 100’s of belief systems out there that have come from our culture.

These beliefs colour our lives around us.  We rarely consciously choose our beliefs. Almost all of our beliefs can be backed up by truth.

The reason the universe reacts to “I don’t want to be poor” with more “poor” is because we are vibrational beings, and your vibration is vibrating “poor”.  The reason why some words don’t work for me, “Abundance” is because it doesn’t connect with my internal feelings. So when I use that word, I’m still vibrating doubt and disbelief about my abundance.  Now when I change the word to “Endless Source” and check those words with my internal feedback, I find an opening and lightness. It feels real, tangible and something I can hang onto.  You need to find your own words that create this vibration inside your body, which is your personal attractor field.

Your belief should resonate with you and your internal feelings. We must choose what we believe.  When we shift our conscious around and therefore choose our beliefs our lives will change and become everything we could ever desire and more.

Your beliefs are really controlling what we have in our lives.  These beliefs are limiting and unless we approach the changing of the vibrations brought on by these limiting beliefs, we will continue to live in exactly the type of life we are currently experiencing.  Beliefs create our current experiences.

Beliefs are very different from desires. Desires are very exciting to you and you feel like signing and dancing, yes an maybe even turning cartwheels.  Now fears will show up in your chest and you feel like panic attacks, short of breath type feelings.  But beliefs are very deep down and when someone comes across your beliefs, it just roars up from deep down in the pit of your stomach.  “Don’t you tell me!” So really look at it, that’s the way to look at beliefs. You have beliefs and they are really controlling your life, and it’s time to unravel them. Really look at your beliefs and find about them and use the internal feelings to eliminate the angry and extremely violent reaction which we see and have experienced so often.  Separate the feeling of emotions from those that feel good.

Choosing your belief; A belief should feel solid and good to you. If a belief feels bad it’s not the belief that is true for you in this lifetime.

If your having a conversation with someone and you find your mad at them for their belief, look at why your mad at them. Look at our belief and realize that when we fight against their belief we are vibrating and attracting more of their energy into our reality.  When we are fighting for what we want we are bringing more of what we don’t want to us.  Wyane Dyer said it best when he said. “Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you.”

You’ll see this in political campaigns, when people fight against an opponent it is because they have a fear of were the country is going, so their not expressing their desire in what they want their only expressing their desire in what they don’t want.  And you will see each and every time with this attitude prevailing that the person which gets elected is the person which is attracting the energy of the most against him.

Once you find a belief that feels good then state the desire “I would like information to come to me that would allowing me to realy truly ingrain this belief into my body, and really have it into being?”  The universe will bring it too you.  Have you ever said, “gee I have not spoke to my aunt for a long time and I would really like to speak to her.” Then in a short period of time you hear about, receive a letter, phone call, or visit from your aunt.

This is the same process.  Information regarding that belief that you want to attain will always show up.

Finding Our Desires Through Our Fears

August 31, 2010

Fear is not real! We can be reflective of the past, the present isn’t too scary, but the future is where fear lives. We can only be afraid of things to come. Since the future hasn’t arrived, the things we are afraid of aren’t even real!

It is a fact that 84% of what we are afraid of never comes true; 14% of our fears we have, control and can change the outcome; only 4% of our fearful future is out of our control and yet most of these things never become reality either.

So, our “real” lives are controlled by things that usually don’t come true in the future. Why? The answer is simple, “That is the way we were programmed to think—in fear.”

We are only born with the fear of loud noises and possibly bright lights (the latter has not yet been proven). The rest of our fears were learned. The primary teachers were our family and close acquaintances. The next teachers of fear were our own experiences or imagination, and the next contribution is the constant presence of media.  By media I mean, Movies which are fear based, News which is 99% fear based, and of course the negative presence that this all happens in our living rooms, Most fears are handed down generation-after-generation, sometimes for hundreds of years. Of course, since fear isn’t real, what is passed down is the acronym, F.E.A.R., “False Evidence About Reality.” Actually, we’ve inherited a distorted reality and wonder why it is so hard to get a grip on our real life. We are scared “wit-less.”

Fear distorts real life and makes it almost impossible to render logical decisions to life’s problems around money, relationships, health, spirituality, work, and most other areas of our lives. In other words, fear prevents us from making a better life.

Fear makes the problems look bigger then what they really are and it makes our ability to deal with those problems look smaller then we really are. So you see it is a distortion of reality. How can we deal with the real world from a distorted reality?

Fear is a tether. It tethers individuals and keeps us stuck. We can only rise to the level of our greatest fear. As better things happen in our life, our fear will bring us right back down to were that fear is and will keep us right were it wants us.

Fear makes us lethargic, unmotivated, and depressed.

Fear prevents us from experiencing the “Good Life.” We can only reach success to the level of our fears. Have you ever noticed how we seem to be coming across a prosperous time in life and then something happens that brings us back to where we started. What is the tether that seems to keep us bound at a certain level? It is our fear!

If we want more out of life, we will need to learn how to overcome our self-limiting fears. Now is the time to do just that!

First identify what our fear is. If we’re not sure what our fear is then look for any area of our life that we are feeling stress. Stress is an intelligent way of saying fear.

Next identify were we think that fear came from, don’t get hung up with this, if we can’t decide were it comes from, just look back and briefly see if we can establish were it came from.

Turning Fears into Desires

Next step is to ask our self, “If this fear came true today in my life, what would happen to me?” At this point and with this question, begin writing your answers out. It’s important to get this into your subconscious mind.

Then move on with this exercise, if that part that you’ve just written about came true, what would happen next to you? Keep writing till you have exposed the last and most dreaded part that would happen if that fear became true today.

Example of method:

  1. I won’t have enough money to pay rent this month.
  2. If I don’t have money to pay rent then I’ll lose my place to live.
  3. If I lose my place to live then I’ll lose the support of those people around me.
  4. If I lose the support of people around me I lose their respect.
  5. If I lose their respect I lose their love.
  6. If I lose their love I’ll be all alone.

From the above we can determine that my truest desire is to be surrounded with people that love me and that I don’t want to be alone. Now because none of this has happened, is it a fair process for me to be tethered to something which has not happened and is not reality?  I also know that to create love in my life, I begin by loving myself and practicing appreciation for everything and every person in my life. This in turn creates that attraction toward me and my life.

It’s very important to play with our fear because what it does is take the electrical charge off of the fear with-in our head. We want to diminish the electrical charge in our head that fear is having, because that electrical charge affects all our reality and if it’s full of fear we’re going to attract more fearful situations, more confusion which will create more fearful situations as well.

The bottom line is: If we become fearless we will attract a remarkable life. The more we diminish the electrical charge around fear the more happiness and joy, the more love, the more prosperity in every way, we will experience.

Just play with our fears and discover our true desires.

Success for anyone of us is limited to our greatest fears. Why don’t we decide to let fears go and allow our dream life and desires to come up to the surface?  We can live it, share it, practice it and experience it, in every way through every day.

Self hypnosis for positive personal change

August 30, 2010


Henry Leo Bolduc

The process of holistic self-hypnosis involves relaxation and a guided process for engaging the unconscious or inner mind to provide information and guidance and to produce positive changes. Holistic self-hypnosis integrates several dimensions of perception, not only the physical senses such as visual, auditory and kinesthetic, but spontaneous transpersonal feelings and experiences. This dynamic process transforms the goal of hypnosis to embrace each individual as a whole person, rather than the smoker, dieter, insomniac, or victim.

The subconscious mind controls all bodily functions, harbors all memories and causes us to act out those ideas, thoughts, or images that are transformed into conviction through imagination and belief. Hypnosis facilitates access to the constructive use of imagination and enables us to build a better reality. In this way, hypnosis becomes a magnificent inner adventure for self-healing. It opens a pathway for guidance toward optimal physical health, mental well-being, emotional fulfillment, financial balance and spiritual harmony. Since improving the state of the whole self is the goal of hypnosis as discussed in this article, the term holistic is justifiably applied to the approach detailed below.

Many people assume that pretending is something childish, phony, or undesirable. In truth, pretending is a valuable process of creation. Words and phrases like constructive imagination, positive thinking, visualization, and faith may be used as an alternate way of presenting the idea of pretending. When we pretend that something will happen, what we pretend has a far better chance of manifesting than when we don’t imagine anything at all. The mind is the builder. If we pretend or imagine that something is already accomplished, the inner mind perceives it as accomplished, and we tend to respond accordingly.

The concept that we first envision is not new: create a dominant thought and then manifest our own destiny. The self-help approach that brought many people to the hypnotherapy field initially can be viewed holistically – a much larger context. This wider context consists of four distinct elements: definition, application, healing, and contentment. Definition is the personal process of intimate self-assessment that defines reality for the individual. Application is the means to manifesting the definition. Healing is the result of this process and can be physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, or financial. Contentment is the acceptance, with inner peace and satisfaction, of the process by the individual.

Educational research, after examining the learning process, defined multiple intelligence theories that delineate various styles in which individuals experience, comprehend, and retain information. In other words, each person learns and develops in unique ways. Some generalizations can be drawn from intelligence potential, learning modes, patterns, or styles. Individuals who thrive in interpersonal relationships and social activities for learning may be described as the interpersonal or social learners. Others find value in time spent in quiet contemplation and deep thought. Those are the intra-personal learners. They are willing to sleep on it before accepting a reality. Those learners are often avid dreamers and regular mediators. They need to go within to make decisions.

People who learn visually like to see things or to look at what they are processing. Even with their eyes closed, the visual learner can see pictures and scenes via the image center of the mind. The process of recording, storing, and playing-back visual impressions, is easy for them. People who learn primarily through the auditory style hear things externally like listening to a speaker. In essence, they listen to their inner voices. Those people tend to enjoy music, excel at foreign languages, and memorize easily. They can record, store, and play-back words, stories and sounds. Kinesthetic learners are the hands-on people. They learn through doing. They are in touch with life, putting things together and making them work. Kinesthetic learners often display strong emotions. Those are just a few examples of intelligence potentials. Some individuals integrate all of those styles depending upon the circumstances. Others rely primarily on one, but are secondarily influenced by some combination of the other styles.

The wonderful discoveries afforded through the journey of holistic self-hypnosis may be expressed through the various intelligence potentials. Visually oriented travelers often keep a written journal or they document their holistic adventure through drawings or other creative art forms. Interpersonal learners prefer to participate in discussion groups to share their discoveries. Intra-personal learners create personal spaces in their homes for meditation or dedicate places in natural settings to contemplate their new holistic realities. Kinesthetic learners create a dance or ritual movements to express commitment and dedication to the holistic process. All learners can combine and develop a means of expressing their journeys and their healings.

Those who wish to experience the holistic self-hypnosis journey may want to keep in mind that trust is the key to the door of the higher mind and appreciation makes opening the door easier. An attitude of thankfulness for all that is received will contribute to and is essential for growth and fulfillment on the journey along the pathways of life.

In holistic self-hypnosis, the individual perceptions, thoughts, dreams, and awareness of the person blend together. They become integrated harmoniously, synergistically creating a single Self greater than the various parts. The physical is seen as happy, healthy, vibrant, and radiant. The emotional is peaceful, thankful, and willing to give and to receive love. The financial has witnessed monetary healing, definition, and is balanced with generosity and financial intelligence. The spiritual has bonded all the parts together as a whole continuous flow of enlightenment. Holistic hypnosis provides guidance – a familiar pathway to heal the various parts of the individual forming the whole Self.

In the following script, the inner mind is engaged for a dual purpose. First, imagination is employed to manifest positive outcomes in the areas of physical health, emotional fulfillment, financial balance, and spiritual harmony. Second, the profound depth and wisdom of the inner mind is tapped for inspiration and information to maximize the use of those talents that will be most helpful in healing all areas of life. Repeated use of this self-hypnosis approach will integrate the various parts of life and heal the whole person.

To begin this inner journey, position yourself so that you will be comfortable for a few minutes and will be able easily to keep pen or pencil on paper and write or draw at the appropriate limes. Even though you will be completely relaxed, you easily will open your eyes just wide enough to see and, when prompted, record your thoughts or describe your feelings. When prompted, write or draw whatever comes to mind, trusting your senses and accepting the first feelings, pictures or words that appear.

Close your eyes now and take several deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Allow the tension to begin to leave your body with each exhalation. Begin to move to a place of deep relaxation. As you begin to breathe deeply and naturally now, realize that healing is more than a goal: it is a journey.. It is a process, a truly enjoyable process and a magnificent adventure. The value of the journey is in the journey itself Experiencing the journey will take you beyond thinking to experiencing embracing all levels of your being.

Allow yourself now to open to this important work Remember a time when you really felt safe and comfortable. Bring back from your memory, the sensations associated with that time. Remember the place and the circumstances in full detail. Become aware of the sounds, colors, textures, and feelings associated with complete safety and harmony. With your eyes closed, feel completely relaxed and comfortable.

When you are relaxed and comfortable, do you allow yourself to dream or daydream? Can you imagine yourself entering your dream? Allow images, sounds and feelings to conic to you and take you lightly into your very being feeling your connection with your self-your higher self -your higher mind.

Allow yourself to notice a tiny light within you as you are in this safe place. Notice how this light becomes brighter and brighter as it expands to encompass your entire being. Perhaps the light has colors within it. Maybe it is pure white. It might even pulsate in living rays of light and wonder. The light may extend beyond your physical body. This is the light of your true self. The divine light of your being. The light allows you to imagine, to learn and to grow in many new ways. The light illuminates you and opens the possibility for new discoveries and insights.

This light that now surrounds your very being allows you to imagine and to learn. Imagine yourself giving your mind a positive picture about an aspect of your life. Can you anticipate that what you plant now, is what you will harvest eventually? Even though, possibly, you consciously forget what you planted and when or where it was or for what reason, realize and appreciate the eternal truth that you can use your mind to improve your life by creatively sensing the way your life will improve.

You also can feel your connection with the light of your higher mind- your higher self. You can sense your inner wisdom and learn from that wisdom. You can begin by comparing your mind to the surface of a quiet pond. My voice is like a gentle breeze whispering in the trees along the shore. The pond remains quiet and still even though there is activity beneath the surface. Often, there is much happening beneath a still surface. The gentle surface conceals extraordinary depth the depth of your inner wisdom.

As you continue to drift – deeper and deeper relaxed now, bathed in the divine light of your being, see yourself leisurely descending a set of stairs covered with a thick, white carpet that is like a cloud beneath your feet. Perhaps there is a brass handrail or a walnut banister. The stairs lead you to a comfortable room, a very safe place. While you are in that room, the outside world will stay outside. You can rest a minute and become aware of just how good you feel free from all of the realities of the outside world and bathed in your divine light.

You are free to do whatever you wish to do at this time. You may wish to allow your conscious mind to drift. You don’t even have to make the effort to listen to my voice. It isn’t important what your conscious mind does now because your unconscious mind is here with me and it hears me and can respond in own time and its own way. At this time, you can go to whatever level of relaxation your unconscious mind wants you to go to in order to do the work you are going to do now.

Imagine yourself giving your mind a positive picture. In your creative imagination, sense yourself as having a powerful and creative mind Realize that you can use your mind to create a better life in a fashion similar to a light shining through a motion picture film onto a screen. Allow a scene to come into focus. Witness yourself nourishing your mind Imagine that you enjoy mental well-being and complete peace of mind Now, ask to connect with your higher mind Ask your higher mind to convey to you how you can utilize the higher mind to create the kind of life you want. Just write or sketch whatever you receive or perceive. Trust the thoughts, feelings or pictures that first come. (Pause for two minutes.) Now, rest your hand and rest your eyes. Relax and breathe naturally.

Now, imagine how important your body is to your physical health. Observe how the body enjoys fresh air, pure water, exercise, healthy foods, proper elimination, cleansing of pores, massage, or skeletal alignments. Imagine a healthy lifestyle, receiving nutrition for strength, rest, and deep, restful sleep. Look forward to your exercising to gain vitality and taking a sauna or steam bath to cleanse the skin. Sense yourself enjoying nature. Imagine yourself energetic and vital. View yourself as healthy, happy, and enjoying lift to its fullest. Create a mental picture of rejuvenation: look younger with sparkling eyes and shiny hair, feel younger. Now ask to connect with your physical body. What does your inner healer say or convey to you? What guidance, feelings, or impressions are given to you? Make a note of the information. Write or sketch whatever you receive or perceive. Trust the thoughts, feelings or pictures that first come. (Pause for two minutes.) Now rest your hand and rest your eyes. Relax and breathe naturally.

In your constructive imagination, look forward to living in emotional balance and healing For instance, if you were ever hurt or angry, can you sense yourself learning to use that hurt or anger as a motivation for change? Transform yourself to forgive others and to forgive yourself Recognize emotional intelligence as a clear vision for your social and family life. In your minds eye, observe yourself as emotionally fulfilled and happy. You give and receive love and affection. You offer support and you receive it. This scene comes easily and is surrounded in light and pleasure. Now ask to connect to your emotional being. Open to the thoughts, feelings, or impressions of your emotional life. Ask what you can do each day for emotional healing balance, and fulfillment. Make a note of this information. Write or sketch whatever you receive or perceive. Trust the thoughts, feelings or pictures that first come. (Pause for two minutes.) Now rest your hand and rest your eyes. Re/ax and breathe naturally.

Can you sense the connection between your finances and your mental, physical and emotional well-being? Imagine yourself living within your income. See yourself budgeting time and money as valuable resources and notice how this improves your over all picture of life. Sense yourself living generously within guidelines of simplicity and financial intelligence. Imagine yourself deciding what you really want to do with your life. Create a clear picture in your minds eye of financial balance and economic healing. Sense yourself liking your work and producing a healthy income. Make the vision real. Envision yourself contributing fairly and generously to others. You may give of your time, your knowledge, and your prayers. Now ask to connect to your inner financial advisor. What guidance, counsel, or information can be given to you at this time. Ask your inner accountant .for impressions or information. Make a note of the information. Write or sketch whatever you receive or perceive. Trust the thoughts, feelings or pictures that first come. (Pause for two minutes.) Now rest your hand and rest your eyes. Relax and breathe naturally.

Now sense how you are connected with God and see Gods role in your daily life. Imagine your life as your religion and your temple. Affirm that how you live your life each day reveals who and what you really are. Focus your attention inward to your soulful place of deep imagination. Sense yourself living a spiritual life. Make it joyful and active and place yourself prominently at its center. Now create a new impression – �an impression that nourishes your soul, illuminating you with happiness and fulfillment. Imagine that it is already true. You are spiritually centered. You live a life full of purpose – a life of service to God and to humanity. Now ask to connect with the highest source of your being � with the creative source of life. What is the highest guidance, wisdom, or counsel that you can be given at this time. What can you do on a daily basis to nourish your soul, to he fully vital and happy? Make a note of the information. Write or sketch whatever you receive or perceive. Trust the thoughts, feelings, or pictures that first come. (Pause for two minutes.) Now rest your hand and rest your eyes. Relax and breathe naturally.

Ask the various aspects of your being to work together in a meaningful whole. By working together, the parts create harmony a oneness that is greater than the various parts. Ask for and receive a few words or a short sentence that encapsulates this oneness, this healing at all levels of your being. Now write or print those wordy. (Pause for one minute.)

Allow yourself to enjoy al/that you have accomplished. Thank your mind, your body, your emotions, your financial advisor and your spiritual guidance. Allow healing to occur each day and at every level of your being.

When you are ready, slowly come back to a fully alert state. Open your eyes and smile. Physically stretch — you have stretched. You have embraced a new level of thinking, healing, and holistic living. You are fully alert now and completely refreshed. Set aside your writings and sketches for a few days or weeks before reading and examining them. Later, when you examine them, realize that they are sacred gifts from your inner mind and your higher self.

The goal of holistic self-hypnosis is to involve the whole self in the creation of a wellness partnership that can lead to physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual harmony. This approach enables us to integrate our various intelligence potentials, and to apply learning styles to experience positive results. It is known as healing. Holistic self-hypnosis also leads to a better understanding of ourselves as individuals and as a universal consciousness.

Healing is a natural on-going process. One does not have to be sick to experience holistic healing. Holistic healing is a win-win process that encourages limitless self-potential. Holistic self-hypnosis is for the therapist as well as for the client – healer heal thyself.

The holistic self-hypnosis script presented in this article may be used freely for personal or professional purposes.

This article was written with the generous help of Gary Melvin, M.S., C.Ht., of Flagstaff, Arizona. Email:

One Word That Can Change Your Reality

August 30, 2010

Did you know that by simply removing one word from your vocabulary, and replacing it

Ron Davis - An Ideal You

Ron Davis - Master Coach / Facilitator

with another, you can put yourself in the driver’s seat and gain 100 percent control of your life?

More often than not, the word “CAN’T” is the culprit of your failures. By replacing “CAN’T” with “WON’T,” you open the door to asking yourself the right questions that may help you get out of your own imaginary prison.

Do you say “I can’t take a vacation,” or “I can’t get a better job”?

By changing those statements to, “I won’t take a vacation,” and “I won’t get a better job,” what questions are raised?

Why won’t you? What’s holding you back? What are you not willing to do to make it happen? Plenty of people have done those things, and are doing them right now as you’re reading this, so they’re obviously not real impossibilities!

Start your transformation by paying close attention to when and how you use the word “can’t,” and then repeat the sentence in your mind, replacing “can’t” with “won’t.” Analyze the sentence, and you may be in for an awakening.

The central key is to always avoid saying anything negative about yourself in the present or future tense. This is not lying. Because all of your failures were in the past. It is perfectly acceptable to state that in the past, you had problems remembering your purse, your keys, or someone’s name, but you condemn yourself to a negative future when you tell the world that you always have trouble remembering names, your purse, or people’s names.

Your brain is highly susceptible to your language, so please be very careful with the words you chose to use when describing yourself or your behavior. Make it POSITIVE when you are talking about the present or future.

I think the author of this piece is an inspiring lady – taking the insights she discovered from analyzing her self-talk, ditching her unsatisfactory cubicle job, taking control of her own life and destiny, and now, just two years later, living the life of her dreams.

If one person can do it, you can do it too! On her website, she also gives kudos to Tim Ferriss’ Four-Hour Work Week, for inspiring her to reevaluate her priorities and taking control of how she spends her time. I too am a major fan of Tim Ferriss, and highly recommend his groundbreaking book to anyone who wants to work less, achieve more, and be more successful.

David Allen’s Getting Things Done is another great piece of work I can personally credit for helping me achieve so many of my goals. It’s one of the finest systems for getting you organized and clearing your mind. However, it falls short when it comes to limiting the amount of distracting inputs into your life, and this is where Tim Ferriss’ advice truly excels!

The Four-Hour Work Week may sound like a preposterous title, but I’ve read the book and it’s clearly not a joke. If you were to follow his system, you would still be actively engaged in activities – just not “typical work.” Instead, you’d be doing what you’re passionate about, and you’d learn to manage others efficiently to implement the projects you really want in your life.

Why is this important?

Because living a balanced life is crucial to your health!

Living with passion, actively engaged in pursuits that have personal meaning can have great impact on your mental, emotional and physical health. It can also free you up to take control of your health in mundane, yet crucial ways, such as having the time to prepare your own meals, using organic produce grown locally, and savoring every bite because you’re not rushing anywhere.

Last but not least – following your passion can empower not only you, but can help change the entire world.

If you are doing something just for the money, it will likely never make you truly fulfilled, and you will likely never be very successful with it. One of the major keys to success is to identify your passion and move towards it until you can do that full time.